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The municipal non-profit enterprise "Teplodar Primary Health Care Center" needs medical assistance

The municipal non-profit enterprise "Teplodar Primary Health Care Center" needs medical assistance

map Odessa district

case Teplodarska territorial community




1 000 000 UAH


*The donor must be authorized to provide assistance


Name of organization/institution

Odessa district / Teplodarska territorial community


Циберман Оксана Валеріївна

Директор КУ "Агенція місцевого розвитку" ТМР

phone +380979361465

mail [email protected]

Humanitarian Aid Type


Our medical center is the only medical institution on the territory of the Teplodar City Territorial Community. The outpatient department of our center includes: - therapeutic and pediatric departments; - offices of narrow specialists: surgical, oncology, dermatovenereology, otolaryngology, phthisiology, narcology, psychiatry, neurology, pediatric neurology, ophthalmology, obstetrics and gynecology; - Auxiliary services: physiotherapy, functional diagnostics, massage, X-ray, premedical, treatment, vaccination rooms and a clinical diagnostic laboratory. We serve more than 10,000 community residents, including 300 people affected by the Chornobyl accident. As well as 275 IDPs, and our mission is to provide quality and affordable medical care to all citizens. Our institution has an urgent need to provide basic medicines for the treatment and prevention of the most common diseases. Namely: 1.Sodium chloride 0.9% 200.0 - 500 FL. 2. Sodium chloride 0.9% 100.0 - 500 FL. 3.Rheosorbilact 200.0 - 200 FL. 4.Tivartin 100.0 - 100 FL. 5. Calcium glucanate 10.0 No. 10 - 10 units. 6.Sodium thiosulfate 10.0 No. 10 - 10 units. 7.Eufilin 2% solution 5.0 No. 10 - 5 units. 8.Furasimide solution 2.0 No. 10 - 10 units. 9.Prednisolone solution 1.0 No. 5 - 20 units. 10.Dexamethasone solution 10.0 No. 25 - IU. 11.Dibazole solution 1% 5.0 No. 10 - 10 units. 12.Papaverine 2% solution 2.0 No. 10 - 20 units. 13.Asparkam 10.0 No. 10 - 10 units. 14.Panangin 5.0 No. 5 - 10 units 15.Riboxin 5.0 No. 10 - 15 units. 16.No-x-sha 2.0 No. 5 - 10 units. 17.Spasmalgon 5.0 No. 10 - 5 units. 18.Thiotriosoline 4.0 No. 10 - 5 units. 19.Cocarboxylase hydrochloride 50mg. No. 10 - 5pc. 20.Corglycon 0.06% 1.0 No. 10 - 2pc. 21.Cordiamine 25% 2.0 No. 10 - 2pc. 22.Ascorbic acid 2.0 No. 10 - 20 units. 23.Suprastin 1.0 No. 5 - 2pc. 24.Tavegil 2.0 No. 5 - 2pc. 25.Renalgan 2.0 No. 5 - 5 units. 26.Analgin 50% 2.0 No. 10 - 10 units 27.Dimedrol 1% 1.0 No. 10 - 10 units 28.Dicinone 2.0 N
