Modernization of sewage pumping stations SPS-1 and SPS-2.
Odessa district
Teplodarska territorial community
507 826 UAH
*The donor must be authorized to provide assistance
Name of organization/institution
Odessa district / Teplodarska territorial community
Циберман Оксана Валеріївна
Директор КУ "Агенція місцевого розвитку" ТМР
The Teplodar City Territorial Community has always strived to provide its residents with quality utilities, but in recent years we have faced significant challenges that have negatively affected the efficiency of our infrastructure. In particular, it is important to modernize sewage pumping stations (SPS) by installing modern frequency converters. Namely: - pump for SPS-1 (1 pc.) and SPS-2 (1 pc.) cm 200-150-400/4a (price 200,000 per 1 pc.) - 90 kW soft starter 170A Schneider Electric (2 pcs. required / price for 1 pc. 53913 UAH).