Office equipment for the youth space
Odessa district
Teplodarska territorial community
418 200 UAH
*The donor must be authorized to provide assistance
Name of organization/institution
Odessa district / Teplodarska territorial community
Циберман Оксана Валеріївна
Директор КУ "Агенція місцевого розвитку" ТМР
In order to fulfill the above goals and objectives, there is a need to purchase technical support for furniture and equipment for a comfortable and useful stay of young people in the youth space, namely 15 laptops (1 laptop - 25000 UAH), speakers (5000 UAH), 2 MFPs (1 MFP - 7000 UAH), 1 multimedia projector (19000 UAH), 1 projector canvas (4000 UAH), Wi-Fi router (1200 UAH). It is extremely important for the effective participation of young people in public life, a place for the formation and development of personalities, the realization of their potential, a free space for finding like-minded people, the birth and implementation of ideas and developments.