Sports equipment for the Teplodar Children's and Youth Sports School needs to be updated
Odessa district
Teplodarska territorial community
64 000 UAH
*The donor must be authorized to provide assistance
Name of organization/institution
Odessa district / Teplodarska territorial community
Циберман Оксана Валеріївна
Директор КУ "Агенція місцевого розвитку" ТМР
For the educational and training work of the departments of the Teplodar Children's and Youth Sports School, there is a need to update sports equipment, namely - Ropes - 15pcs (~350 UAH - one unit) -Boxing gloves: red and blue - 6 pairs each (10 oz ~ 1470 UAH - one pair, 12 oz ~ 1370 UAH - one pair) - Bag for training boxers - 1 pc (~1000 UAH) - Core (1 kg) - 1pc (~3000 UAH) - Gymnastic bench - 1pc (~3700 UAH) - Pillows for the ring: red, blue, and white - 2pcs each (~1500 UAH - one unit) - Table tennis rackets - 10pcs (~400 UAH - one unit) - Training equipment Europaw - set for athletics - 1 set (~6400 UAH) - Balls for table tennis - 100pcs (~500 UAH) - Volleyball - 5pcs (~740 UAH - one unit) - Soccer ball - 5pcs (~1000 UAH - one unit)