There is a great need to create a shelter (bomb shelter) in Teplodar pre-school education institution (nursery school) No. 1 "Veselka"
Odessa district
Teplodarska territorial community
20 000 000 UAH
*The donor must be authorized to provide assistance
Name of organization/institution
Odessa district / Teplodarska territorial community
Циберман Оксана Валеріївна
Директор КУ "Агенція місцевого розвитку" ТМР
Due to the events in our country, the availability of shelters (bomb shelters) in preschool institutions is critical to ensure the safety of children and staff, as well as to allow for the continuation of education and contribute to the psychological comfort of children. The ongoing war has resulted in damage and destruction of educational facilities, which emphasizes the need for and availability of strong and reliable shelters. Estimated cost from 14000000 UAH to 20000000 UAH.