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Supply of KP Odesa CHP-2

Supply of KP Odesa CHP-2

map Odessa district

case Teplodarska territorial community




3 920 000 UAH


*The donor must be authorized to provide assistance


Name of organization/institution

Odessa district / Teplodarska territorial community


Циберман Оксана Валеріївна

Директор КУ "Агенція місцевого розвитку" ТМР

phone +380979361465

mail [email protected]

Humanitarian Aid Type
Energy generation and UPS devices


Odesa CHP-2 has been requested to supply power from the Budbaza and Novoodeska substations. In the event of their failure, CHP-2 has two Perkins FE10650 generators of 560 kW/0.4 kV each, totaling 1120 kW, but this capacity will not be enough to turn around from scratch in the event of a disconnection from the system, as the initial start-up load is five times the current load of the equipment to be started. In this regard, in order to use the existing generators and continue to be able to operate during outages, it is essential to install additional frequency converters: two for smoke exhausters with a capacity of 200 kW each, two for network pumps with a capacity of 160 kW each, two for blowers with a capacity of 75 kW each, two for 75 kW feed pumps. In addition, due to the necessary disconnection from the 6 kV network and subsequent connection to the system, it is necessary to replace the 6 kV/600 A oil circuit breakers with a remote electric drive with vacuum circuit breakers in the amount of 5 units and 4 0.4 kV/1000 A circuit breakers with an electric drive. This will allow CHP-2 to continue to operate efficiently and stably despite power outages.
