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The fence of the base educational institution (BEI).

The fence of the base educational institution (BEI).

map Berezivsky district

case Stryukivska territorial community




40 000 UAH


*The donor must be authorized to provide assistance


Name of organization/institution

Berezivsky district / Stryukivska territorial community


Опря Юлія Вікторівна

спеціаліст з питань економіки

phone +380984108731

mail [email protected]

Humanitarian Aid Type
Building materials


The installation of a fence around educational institutions, placement of road signs, and application of road markings near schools play a crucial role in ensuring the safety of students, teachers, and everyone in the vicinity of the school. A fence around the school creates a physical barrier that prevents children from accidentally running onto the road. This is especially important for younger students, who may act impulsively. Road signs and markings contribute to creating clear and safe conditions for drivers and pedestrians. For instance, signs indicating pedestrian crossings or speed limits remind drivers to exercise caution near the school. The application of road markings and the presence of road signs also help instill a culture of adherence to traffic rules in children. They observe an example of an organized and safe environment, which shapes their behavior. Clearly marked crossings and fences help reduce the risk of accidents and injuries near educational institutions, especially during morning and evening hours when traffic is at its peak. Improving the school’s surroundings contributes to creating a comfortable and welcoming environment for learning. It demonstrates care for the students and their safety, which increases parents' trust in the school. Overall, such measures are an integral part of creating a safe learning environment and preventing injuries. This is an investment not only in the present but also in the future of our children.
