Supply of KP Odesa CHP-2
Odessa district
Teplodarska territorial community
3 500 000 UAH
*The donor must be authorized to provide assistance
Name of organization/institution
Odessa district / Teplodarska territorial community
Циберман Оксана Валеріївна
Директор КУ "Агенція місцевого розвитку" ТМР
Odesa CHP-2 produces heating for the city of Teplodar using steam boilers, so the heating scheme of the heating network involves steam-water heat exchangers-boilers of the PSV-200 type, which are now more than 40 years old. At the same time, there was a critical thinning of the tube wall thickness. Currently, only one of the 4 boilers is in more or less working condition, and three boilers require complete repacking of the tube systems. To do this, it is necessary to purchase 3060 DKRHM 19x1mm tubes of L-68 brass, each 3400mm long, with a standard tube length of 4100mm, this will amount to 6.1 tons of brass.